
The District is governed by a three member board of directors elected from the landowners of the District and, therefore, is considered a landowner-voter, independent district. The three members of the current board of directors for the District are:

Scott Hiji,
Steve Nishimori, and
Greg Lewis.

Meetings of the District’s board of directors are held quarterly at:

Arnold LaRochelle Mathews VanConas & Zirbel LLP
300 Esplanade Drive, Suite 2100 | Oxnard, CA 93036

Board members serve four year terms.  Board members must be landowners within the District’s boundary.  If you are interested in running for a position on the District’s board of directors, please contact the District for more information.

The board of directors receives no compensation. Board members receive no benefits from the District.

The District has no staff and District operations are performed by contract.